Individualized tutoring options for students from any school who are struggling with reading or math include two or four 30-60 minute sessions each week either one-on-one or in a small group.
Reading Tutoring
To be successful readers, students must be able to manipulate the vowel sounds in words and they must be able to identify and feel the beat of syllables and words. They need to have a rich vocabulary and they must be able to interpret what they read.
During tutoring sessions, emergent readers practice these skills through hands-on activities such as block builder words, the sandpaper phonemes, sound pattern games such as “I SPY” and songs. They use the Touchphonics® tactile letters and read from a variety of literature and non-fiction texts. By using systematic, explicit phonics instruction, the Montessori method teaches phonemes, graphemes and the relationship between oral and printed words. Students learn the structure of words and the basic rules that guide English pronunciation. Older students are taught more complex phonics rules and syllabication that enable them to read longer and unfamiliar words with ease.

We conduct a basic evaluation of each student prior to tutoring to identify his or her strengths and weaknesses. This initial evaluation allows us to tailor the program to each student’s individual needs. Teachers carefully monitor each child’s progress and regularly share successes and struggles with parents. Each tutoring session includes oral fluency practice and comprehension assessment.
Mathematics Tutoring
We offer math tutoring for students in elementary, middle and high school. We also offer small group classes to learn multiplication facts in a fun and stimulating environment.